03 Apr 2024
In my dreams, animals talk.
Perhaps they talk anyway, but we are in too much of a slumber to hear.
There is one - Karl - a very cheeky pig.
He talks about the cost of life,
comparing his ideologies with those of another Karl.
Looking at the exploitation of species,
as if the exploitation of human labour.
He told me of a comrade,
whose ancestor was pushed across a great expanse.
A couple of these beings and land you have stolen from others,
creates an economic bonanza,
as all you have to do is release those sentient beings onto the stolen land,
and wait for the money to come in as you milk, slit throats and cart off decendants.
I told Karl about one of my ancestors -
he willed 70 human beings to his four children.
Karl thought this was nothing -
only 70 wasn’t even the tip of the iceberg,
he informed me.
Imagine believing you owned other sentient beings -
Karl and I considered this together.
Imagine that you could pull their teeth when you needed false teeth,
Imagine that you could have sex with them to create more you could own,
Imagine that you could separate families at will,
Imagine that you could take their breast milk and kill their babies,
Imagine that you could breed them in any way you wished,
Imagine that you could scrape the lining of their children’s stomachs to make cheese,
Imagine that you could exploit them in any way you chose.
I shuddered considering the past.
Karl shuddered considering the present.
it was only a dream and I could awaken,
awaken to a world of compassion,
where all sentient beings are free.
I thought I had awakened,
but this was still a bad dream -
Aroha nui,
Lee Sturgis
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