16 Feb 2024
The darkness came to town last Thursday,
riding in the back of a truck,
on its way to the abattoir.
We heard its squeaky breaks,
Or was that the pigs.
We smelt its effluent.
Making its way across town,
carrying the night,
as a sheet being pulled up over a cold bed.
Past the nunnery,
full of barren wombs,
Mothers cried for their children lost and those never to be born,
as they were dragged down the road.
Past the orphanage,
full of unwanted children,
While children wanted had their heads smashed against concrete,
while their mothers watched.
Past the fields full of healthy vegetables,
which had fattened them up,
so they could fill the arteries of humanity.
They rode in fear,
not knowing that their fate was better,
than what awaited their tormentors.
Their fate would be terrifying and painful,
but the suffering of those who kill them will be drawn out across the years.
Slowly packing their bodies with suffering,
slowly blocking their veins,
their hearts struggle to pump,
their minds struggle to work around the strokes and blocked arteries,
caused by the suffering they have consumed.
While the pigs will suffer the most today,
the others have the pull of karma.
Will the sun come again,
down the long, windy road,
leading into town
or will we always be lost in the night?
Aroha nui,
Lee Sturgis
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