31 Mar 2024
Imagine a dream - there are monsters wanting to devour you, there are dangers around every corner, there is a shaman offering peace. This dream is religion.
The dominant religion in the West has an imaginary deity that is insecure, sadistic and violent, who says, “Love me, or I will destroy you!” I challenge you to come up with a worse plot for a dream - a nightmare. This dream of religion, regardless of which name the particular religion has, is one of exploitation, inadequacies, fear and all of the worst things of the human subconscious. Once you wallow in the depths of depravity, they all then (realising that you need more than your worst) will offer you a shadow, a poor substitute for love and our better natures. After telling us that we are deprived, they will then tell us that even though we are worthless in ourselves, we can be loved by someone who they claim is better than us, but is really the personification of the worst parts of ourselves. It is all perverse.
This is the dream. This is the nightmare. We bring most of our problems upon ourselves and religion taps into our self-loathing, insecurities and inadequacies. What is the alternative?
Wake up!
Understand and seek your better nature. Realise that you have wrapped yourself in a dream, in delusion. You are neither “good” nor “bad”, but have the potential to be anything.
Some use the word “woke” as an insult, while they stumble in the darkness, unable to awaken. The Buddha said, “I am awake.”
You don’t need religion to find yourself. You have all of the best of the universe inside of yourself. Awaken. You will look back on your dream and realise it for the nightmare it was.
Aroha nui,
Lee Sturgis
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