25 Mar 2024
Consciousness is the universe attempting to understand itself. We have evolved as sentient beings. Our consciousness comes from the universe itself exploring what it can do. We take our consciousness and turn it in to explore what the universe has created. This can be in self-reflection or in more specific tasks like meditation. We take our consciousness and point it out, trying to understand the cosmos. This is the universe evolving to understand itself.
We have the privilege of exploring ourselves and our world. What about our responsibilities? Do we have any? Can we destroy non-discriminately? Can we destroy other life that the universe has created in its attempt to grow? Are we “better” than other life? The answer to these questions will depend in where you are on your spiritual journey. For me, to destroy or otherwise cause the suffering of other sentient life is an insult to ourselves, them and the universe itself. To do such violence is to diminish the universe and ourselves.
As we evolve, we begin to understand the beauty, the wonder and the honour of which we are a part. Do not destroy the opportunity of others to evolve - if you do so, you are destroying a part of yourself, as well.
Do no harm. Take joy in the lives that we and others have been given. Learn about yourself and your universe - a universe getting to know itself through you.
Ahimsā paramo dharma!
Aroha nui,
Lee Sturgis
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